新鮮なオマール海老と北海道などから届けられる帆立貝。更には牡丹海老、鮪の中トロを使用した贅沢な一皿です。この料理の中には多くの驚きを盛り込んでおり、全てをお話しすると長くなりそうなので一つだけ。それは、泡状のソース。様々なハーブの香りを閉じ込めた泡のソースは、爽やかな季節にぴったりです。次に、温製のオードヴル。徳島県産、阿波尾鶏という地鶏とフォワグラの絶妙なハーモニー。阿波尾鶏は一匹丸ごと仕入れ、部位ごとに調理法を変え、ガラからはスープを作ります。全て余すことなく使い切り、素材の持つ力を最大限引き出した一皿。伝統的な料理である‘パテ・アン・クルート’(地鶏のパテ パイ包み焼き)のテリーヌは自信の一品です。
Hello, everyone!
This is Naoto Nakatsuka, working as chef in TAGAYA group.
Today I'm going to introduce you my passion from my menu.
From a cold hors d'oeuvre.
This dish made from fresh lobster from Canada and Japanese scallop from Hokkaido.
Besides, botan shrimp and medium-fatty-tuna are also included.
This dish is filled with my surprise.
Then, this bubble sauce is one of them.
Various flavor of herbs is in it and it's very suitable for this season.
Next, warm hors d'oeuvre.
Awaodori chicken from Tokushima and foie gras make a wonderful combination.
We are stocking whole one Awaodori chicken and making soup, also.
By using one chicken fully, we can bring out the charm of materials ultimately.
Traditional dish, putty covered by pie sheets, is my self-confident work.
For fish, we provide Spanish mackerels.
We cooked this fish for bouillabaisse, popular at the southern part of France.
For that, we use kelps from Hokkaido for the base of bouillabaisse.
By this, this bouillabaisse is very well-acquainted for Japanese people.
Like this, we cannot write down my passions for cuisines.
The next blog may be about my Japanese French cuisine course named "Miyabi course".
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